Some test footage shot with a small quadcopter.
Had a great deal of difficulty overcoming the short comings of using a small camera with limited manual controls but the results are encouraging. However, the skill lies in piloting the aircraft in order to get the camera into the right position.
This was shot without the use of a live video link.
Lots of studying and flight training are currently under way to obtain certification to operate an unmanned aerial vehicle, to expand into remote aerial cinematography.
All commercial operators of remote aircraft have to be fully approved by the Civil Aviation Authority.
Current plans are to operate a large scale octocopter aircraft, kitted out with a gyro-stabilised camera gimbal for smooth, low level aerial filming work.
The aircraft will be piloted by myself and Yorkshire Air Ambulance pilot Capt Steve Cobb. With thousands of hours commercial helicopter flying under his belt, Steve and myself will work together to capture low level HD aerial cinematography.